Strong financial standing is a basic pursuit of almost every human being on earth. In this business world, being accomplished financially is always a result of implementing clear, well-thought strategies. 


Remember that a great credit score is major evidence of financial strength and is achieved through clear, well-thought strategies. Now, if your credit is suffering, companies like Creditup Club can help you repair your credit and do it for free.


Following this, some strategies can be employed to fix your credit for free. But, before the deep dive, you might have experienced some of the consequences of having bad credit. These severities should reinforce your desire to fix your credit.

fix your credit

Why You Need to Fix Your Credit

Your credit score affects almost every part of your financial life. Below are some of the reasons to fix and have a high enough credit score.

Getting Financial Aid When You Need it the Most

There are days when unexpected situations rear their ugly heads. And the only option that would easily salvage such situations would have been an extended credit line. A line you wouldn’t get because a bad credit score automatically leaves you hanging since no creditor wouldn’t want to take a chance on you.

Increasing Debt

Since you can’t get a line of credit from creditors, the obvious choices are payday loans, loan apps, bank advances, and loans from friends and sundry. These become accumulated debt, and some of these alternatives carry high-interest rates.

Inaccessible Loans 

Despite bank loans, payday loans and loan apps being an obvious choice, you may not be able to get those too if the amount you want is too high. Let’s consider that you need a mortgage loan, that being a lot of money; your creditor, especially banks, would check your credit score to see if you are worthy of being loaned that much. 

Higher Premium 

A bad credit score will also increase your insurance premium. Whenever you want to purchase a new policy or it comes up for renewal, insurance companies will protect themselves by checking your credit score to determine how risky it would be to approve your claim. So high premium is a play to dissuade you and to insure their insurance simultaneously (protect themselves).

fix your credit free

How to Fix My Credit for Free 

Get Knowledge

You have no idea what you are about to do, so go online and know the law and the regulations that guide the credit system. This information will help you know what’s legal and what you shouldn’t do. There is DIY credit repair software. These are available online and are designed to ensure anyone can use and understand them. 


However, some free DIY credit repair sites list things in your credit report that directly affect your credit. Things such as your old debt, missed payments, late bills and previous business information that are no longer a concern but are still indirectly affecting your credit must be researched and studied.

Use Tools that are Established 

Enroll in Credit Monitoring! We Recommend to give you access to all 3 of your credit reports in 1 easy to use format. 

Identify Negative Elements in a Credit Report. 

You have previously read about things in a credit report that negatively affect credit scores directly and indirectly. Right knowledge of this will help you effectively identify these negating elements. 

File a Formal Dispute

You exercise your right by filing a formal dispute with the credit agency where the elements appear. This is where CreditUp Club comes in handy. It helps you create official dispute letters to challenge your negative accounts with both the credit bureaus and the original creditors.  

Using a Credit Company

CreditUp Club is a credit repair company that corrects and helps you maximize your credit score. And they carry out this process for free. The process is easily navigated as stated below;


Join the Club 

Go online, visit and join up. Clicking the “join the club” button on the site signifies your request for an invitation. You have to fill out the required information and your phone number, through which you will get an invite. This process should take about ten minutes maximum.

Complete Your Profile 

There are prepared steps to add your credit report to the system. And you can easily complete your profile. This is optimized to be timely, so with a good internet connection, this should take a few minutes. Following the subsequent easy prompts should relieve you of inputting anything again. Now, the system does its work.

Negative Elements 

Our system uses the credit maximizer and is one of the best credit repair software for professionals. It is designed to search out negative elements, errors and any irregularities in any report. Things about the dispute will be highlighted so you can see them. Some of these have previously been mentioned. Here are a few more to give an idea.


  • Old debt information that is seven years old and above.
  • Missed payment information for utility bills, credit card bills, loans, medical bills, unpaid child support, parking tickets, and so many other things could be sent to collections if they remain unpaid for a while.
  • Medical history
  • Age
  • Ethnicity or Race 
  • Late bill payment
  • Marital status
  • Bankruptcy report 10 years old or more
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Criminal offenses
  • We cure credits now since the ailments are laid out for necessary correction.

Drafting Dispute Letters

The credit repair company drafts the dispute letters, but Creditup provides them for your review. The company understands the need for you to know what transpires in these letters. So you know what to expect during implementation.

Mailing the Dispute Letters by Yourself

You probably wondered why the company couldn’t mail the letter directly. The Fair Credit Reporting Act allows the credit bureaus to attend to letters sent directly from you, the consumer. They ignore letters that are sent from credit companies. CreditUp prints the letters and mails them to you for the paper trail to lead to you. All that is left to do is for you to stamp the already addressed envelopes and mail them yourself.

Creating Task

Go back online to indicate that you have indeed mailed the letters. The system can create a task for uploading your credit report expecting affected changes.

Credit Repair: How Long Does it Take?

The question “how long does credit repair take?” depends on how quickly the credit bureau affects the necessary changes in the dispute letters. The entire process might take between six months to a year since each dispute takes thirty days to deal with. The waiting period could be moderate or longer since it depends on the errors and irregularities present in the report.


What Should Be Done While Waiting?

Every other process offered is free, but it may interest you to pay for Credit Monitoring. This allows the system to access updated credit reports and check for changes constantly.


The cost is $30 a month, and you need to connect with an integrated credit monitoring site. This is very important because it takes thirty days to resolve a dispute, and credit monitoring alerts you to progress. 


So you can come back when an update of the credit report is available to view your results. After that, select Run Credit Maximizer to proceed to the next steps to finalize the process.


Also, two things that affect your credit score are payments and credit utilization ratio. Both have to do with settling debt and bills and controlling credit usage. 


These two things can be maintained on a positive spectrum by doing some of the following while waiting;

  • Paying off any debt
  • Avoid opening new accounts because people have said their credit score dropped 100 points after opening a credit card.
  • Settle missed payments and outstanding bills
  • Increase your income 
  • Avoid taking new loans that lead to queries like this “credit score dropped 100 points after buying a car.”
  • Don’t run your credit up to its limit. 


Why Use CreditUp Club when You can DIY?

CreditUp Club credit repair services are FREE, except for the subscription to our preferred Credit Monitoring site, which charges $30 per month. And the postage fee for mailing your dispute letters.


We can more effectively detect the errors and irregularities, all of them. The dispute letters are quickly written in a manner that will elicit an early response. We can monitor the credit report and its subsequent updates. 


Finally, our goal is to maximize your credit score; our teams will work tirelessly to research resources that ensure our goal and bring it to fruition faster than you imagined.